Fig. 3.
Increased bone mass correlated with serum hormone levels in TgFSH females. (A–C) Scatter plots and correlation lines (Sigmaplot version 10 Wizard Correlation) for tibial trabecular BV/TV (%) versus serum TgFSH (A) or ovarian-derived serum inhibin A (B) or testosterone levels (C) shown as solid lines and filled circles for non-hpg data or dashed lines and open circles for hpg data. Data were combined for TgFSHm and TgFSHH lines on either the non-hpg (FSH, n = 54; inhibin A, n = 42; testosterone, n = 57) or hpg (FSH, n = 32; inhibin A, n = 34; testosterone, n = 41) background. Correlations indicated an exponential rise to maximal BV/TV associated with increasing levels of all serum hormones measured. (D) Mouse Fshr mRNA expression was detected (RT-PCR) in adult ovary (Ov) as expected but not in long bone from either TgFSHH (Tg) or non-Tg (WT) adult females or in isolated cultured mouse osteoblast (Ob) or osteoclast (Oc) preparations. CTR or OCN mRNA expression confirmed differentiated Oc or Ob cells, respectively. Gapdh mRNA was used as internal cDNA control, and Fshr findings repeated in triplicate.