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. 2007 Mar 31;2(1):15–30.

Table 4.

Level 2 evidence of outcomes achieved with aprepitant in the prevention of CINV due to highly emetogenic chemotherapy in double-blind, multicenter, parallel-group RCTs (all P values vs standard therapy without aprepitant unless otherwise stated)

Chemotherapy regimen Antiemetic treatment Outcome
Acute phase
Delayed phase
Complete response (%)a Nausea (median VAS scores; 0=none; 100=worst) Complete response (%)a Nausea (median VAS scores; 0=none; 100=worst)
Cis-based ≥70 mg/m2, 1 cycle Day 1: Gra 10 mcg/kg + Dex 20 mg + Ap 400 mg
Day 2–5: Ap 300 mg (n=54)
77 0 52 (P<0.001) 1 (P=0.003) Navari et al. 1999
Day 1: Gra 10 mcg/kg + Dex 20 mg + Ap 400 mg
Day 2–5: Pla (n=54)
83 0 43 (P=0.003) 3
Day 1: Gra 10 mcg/kg + Dex 20 mg + Pla
Day 2–5: Pla (n=51)
57 (P=0.004 vs other two groups combined) 1 16 10
Cis-based ≥70 mg/m2, 1 cycle Day −1: Pla
Day 1: Gra 10 mcg/kg + Dex 20 mg + Pla
Day 2–5: Pla (n=90)
51 7.5 22 7 Campos et al. 2001
Day −1: Pla
Day 1: Gra 10 mcg/kg + Dex 20 mg + Ap 400 mg
Day 2–5: Ap 300 mg (n=86)
75 (P<0.01) 1 (P<0.05) 41 (P<0.05) 2 (P<0.05)
Day −1: Ap 400 mg
Day 1: Dex 20 mg + Ap 400 mg + Pla
Day 2–5: Ap 300 mg (n=89)
44 8.5 39 (P<0.05) 3 (P<0.05)
Day −1: Pla
Day 1: Dex 20 mg + Ap 400 mg + Pla
Day 2–5: Ap 300 mg (n=86)
41 9.5 39 (P<0.05) 3
Cis-based ≥70 mg/m2, 1 cycle Day 1: L-758,298 100 mg + Dex 20 mg
Day 2–5: Ap 300 mg (n=61)
44 11 59 (P<0.005) 5 Van Belle et al. 2002
Day 1: L-758,298 100 mg + Dex 20 mg
Day 2–5: Pla (n=58)
36 46 4
Day 1: Ond 32 mg + Dex 20 mg
Day 2–5: Pla (n=58)
83 (P<0.001 vs other two groups combined) 1 (P<0.005 vs other two groups combined) 38 1
Cis-based ≥70 mg/m2, 1 cycle Day 1: Ap 125 mg + Ond 32 mg + Dex 20 mg
Day 2–5: Ap 80 mg + Dex 8 mg (n=131)
83.2 (P<0.05) NR 72.7 (P<0.01) NR Chawla et al. 2003
Day 1: Ap 40 mg + Ond 32 mg + Dex 20 mg
Day 2–5: Ap 25 mg + Dex 8 mg (n=119)b
75.6 NR 63.9 (P<0.01) NR
Day 1: Ond 32 mg + Dex 20 mg + Pla
Day 2–5: Dex 8 mg + Pla (n=126)
71.4 NR 45.2 NR
Cis-based ≥70 mg/m2, 6 cycles Day 1: Ap 125 mg + Ond 32 mg + Dex 20 mg
Day 2–5: Ap 80 mg + Dex 8 mg (n=81)b
NR NR Cycle 1: 64 (P<0.05)
Cycle 6 (n=27): 59 (P<0.05)
NR de Wit et al. 2003c
Day 1: Ond 32 mg + Dex 20 mg + Pla
Day 2–5: Dex 8 mg + Pla (n=86)
NR NR Cycle 1: 49
Cycle 6 (n=33): 34
Cis-based ≥70 mg/m2, 1 cycle Day 1: Ap 125 mg + Ond 32 mg + Dex 12 mg
Day 2–3: Ap 80 mg + Dex 8 mg
Day 4: Dex 8 mg (n=260)
89.2 (P<0.001) 90.6d 75.4 (P<0.001) 75.3d Hesketh et al. 2003
Day 1: Ond 32 mg + Dex 20 mg + Pla
Day 2–4: Dex 8 mg bid + Pla (n=261)
78.1 86.5d 55.8 68.5d
Cis-based ≥70 mg/m2, 1 cycle Day 1: Ap 125 mg + Ond 32 mg + Dex 12 mg
Day 2–3: Ap 80 mg + Dex 8 mg
Day 4: Dex 8 mg (n=283)
82.8 (P<0.001) NR 67.7 (P<0.001) 73d Poli-Bigelli et al. 2003
Day 1: Ond 32 mg + Dex 20 mg + Pla
Day 2–4: Dex 8 mg bid + Pla (n=286)
68.4 NR 46.8 65d
Cis-based ≥70 mg/m2, 6 cycles Day 1: Ap 125 mg + Ond 32 mg + Dex 12 mg
Day 2–3: Ap 80 mg + Dex 8 mg
Day 4: Dex 8 mg (n=547)
Cycle 1: 61e (P<0.001)
Cycle 6 (n=89): 59e (P<0.001)
de Wit et al. 2004f
Day 1: Ond 32 mg + Dex 20 mg + Pla
Day 2–4: Dex 8 mg bid + Pla (n=552)
Cycle 1: 46e
Cycle 6 (n=78): 40e
Cis-based ≥70 mg/m2, +Cyc (87) and/or Dox (74)g Day 1: Ap 125 mg + Ond 32 mg + Dex 12 mg
Day 2–3: Ap 80 mg + Dex 8 mg
Day 4: Dex 8 mg (n=520)
71 (P<0.005) NR 67 (P<0.005) NR Gralla et al. 2005f
Day 1: Ond 32 mg + Dex 20 mg + Pla
Day 2–4: Dex 8 mg bid + Pla (n=523)
49 NR 32 NR
Cis-based ≥70 mg/m2, 1 cycle Day 1: Ap 125 mg + Ond 32 mg + Dex 12 mg
Day 2–3: Ap 80 mg + Dex 8 mg
Day 4: Dex 8 mg (n=547)
86 (P<0.001) 91d (P<0.01) 72 (P<0.001) 74d (P<0.05) Warr et al. 2005af
Day 1: Ond 32 mg + Dex 20 mg + Pla
Day 2–4: Dex 8 mg bid + Pla (n=552)
73 85d 51 67d
Cis-based ≥70 mg/m2, 1 cycle Day 1: Ap 125 mg + Ond 32 mg + Dex 12 mg
Day 2–3: Ap 80 mg + Dex 8 mg
Day 4: Dex 8 mg (n=484 in total)
87.7 (P=0.005) NR 74.1 (P=0.004) NR Schmoll et al. 2006
Day 1: Ond 32 mg + Dex 20 mg
Day 2–4: Ond 8 mg bid + Dex 8 mg bid
79.3 NR 63.1 NR

Defined as no vomiting or use of rescue medication;


Patients initially received aprepitant 375 mg on day 1 and 250 mg on days 2–5 but this arm discontinued due to emerging pharmacokinetic data indicating effect on dexamethasone plasma concentrations;


Extension of Chawla et al. 2003;


Percentage of patients reporting no significant nausea (peak VAS <25);


Results presented as “full protection” defined as no vomiting and no significant nausea (i.e. interfering with daily activities);


Analysis limited to patients receiving these concomitant drugs. Other patients received etoposide, fluorouracil, gemcitabine, vinorelbine, paclitaxel, and docetaxel.

Ap, aprepitant; bid, twice daily; CINV, chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting; Cis, cisplatin; Cyc, cyclophosphamide; Dex, dexamethasone; Dox, doxorubicin; Gra, granisetron; NR, not reported; Ond, ondansetron; Pla, placebo; RCT, randomized controlled trial; VAS, visual analog scale.