Figure 1.
DNA methylation profiling of wild-type and Hells−/− MEFs. (A) Western blot on nuclear extracts from wild-type and Hells−/− (LSH-null) MEFs detected with anti-LSH and anti-HDAC1 antibodies. (B) South-Western assay with anti-5meC antibody on genomic DNA purified from wild-type and Hells−/− MEFs. (C) Quantification of the South-Western assay shown in B. Error bars, SD from the mean. (D) MBD affinity purification of methylated DNA from wild-type and Hells−/− MEFs. Input DNA and 5-methylcytosine (5-meC)-enriched MAP samples were labeled with Cy-dyes and cohybridized to a high-density oligonucleotide microarray representing all promoters of mouse RefSeq genes.