Figure 4. Firing properties of GFP-positive interneurons.
A: Representation of all recorded GFP-labeled interneurons, arranged according to characteristics of their firing patterns and their classification in 5 groups. Each segment represents a single interneuron. Inner ring: adapting (Ad; dark blue) and strongly adapting (S-Ad; dark red) cells. Second ring: cells showing delayed onset (DO; blue) and immediate onset (IO; red) firing. Third ring: cells displaying regular (reg; light blue) and irregular (irr; light red) firing. Interneurons were divided in five groups (1–5) as indicated with yellow and green colors. The letters correspond to example cells (a–g) in B and C. B: Examples of firing patterns of example cells a–g (as indicated in A). Upper traces show firing around threshold, middle traces show responses to hyperpolarizing steps (100 pA step size) and intermediate firing and lower traces show maximal firing. C: Morphology of example cells a–g (same as in B). Dendrites are shown in black, axons in red.