(a) Decrease in the concentration of des[40–95] at pH
8.0, 15°C in the presence of DTTox and DTTred
(100 mM and 260 μM, respectively). □ represents
des[40–95] whereas ○ denotes the native protein.
(b) Decrease in the concentration of des[65–72] at pH
8.0, 15°C in the presence of DTTox and DTTred
(100 mM and 260 μM, respectively). □ represents
des[65–72], whereas ○ denotes the native protein. At
15°C and pH 8, the oxidation rates of des[40–95] and des[65–72]
are 6.0 and 9.2 × 102
min-1⋅M-1, respectively.