Figure 8.
Increasing HCO3− concentration increases amiloride-sensitive current. [HCO3−] was varied on the basolateral side (A, n = 4 for each condition) or on the apical side (B, n = 7 for each condition) of mpkCCD monolayers over 24 hours, by substituting HCO3− for methanesulfonate, whereas Na+ and Cl− concentrations were held constant on both sides of the cell ([Na+] = 165 mM; [Cl−], 120 mM). (C) Effect of varying apical HCO3− concentration by substitution with Cl−. At each HCO3− concentration tested, current was unchanged with acetazolamide (200 μM) present on both sides of the cell. P < 0.05, ANOVA.