Alignment of the amino acid sequences of mouse Dpl (19) and mouse
PrPC (46). The sequences of the 26–157 construct of Dpl
used in the present work, and of the 23–231 construct of mouse
PrPC (47), are shown in black letters. Blue letters compose
the signal sequence at the N terminus and the C-terminal hydrophobic
region. The octarepeat sequence of PrPC (not present in
Dpl) has been omitted for brevity. The pink bar indicates identical
amino acids. Red and blue boxes indicate the location of α and β
secondary structures in Dpl (this work) and mouse PrPC (3).
Helices are labeled αA, αB, and αC; the location of the kink in
the αB helix is shown. αB′ indicates the B helix C-terminal to the
kink. The dashed red box at residues 220–227 of PrPC shows
the location of the extended αC helix in Syrian hamster (4), bovine
(5), and human (6) PrPC.