Fig. 2.
Enrichment of GSTZ1 expression (A) and activity (B) in the matrix of rat liver mitochondria. A, representative Western blot of GSTZ1 expression in the subcellular and submitochondrial fractions of rat liver. Each fraction was loaded with equal amounts of protein, and the fraction identities were confirmed by the predominant expression of respective marker proteins: ALDH1A1 for cytosol (Cyt), complex V subunit a (CVa), and complex III subunit core 1 for mitochondrial IM, porin for mitochondrial OM, CypD for mitochondrial matrix, and CytC for mitochondrial IMS. Mito., washed mitochondria; Memb., mitochondrial membranes; Mics., microsomes. B, GSTZ1 activity in the cytosol and submitochondrial fractions of rat livers measured with 0.2 mM 14C-DCA as substrate is shown. Data are shown as mean ± S.D. of three rats. N.D., not detectable.