In vitro measurements of (A) D-Glucose, (B) 3-O-methyl-D-glucose, (C) D-fructose, (D) proline, (E) carnosine uptake rate in the jejunum of mice irradiated with 0, 8.5, or 10 Gy and sacrificed 8 d postirradiation. Taurocholate (F) uptake was determined in the distal ileum. Mice were fed AIN-76A diet (control, open bars) or an AIN-76A diet supplemented with a cocktail of vitamins A, C, and E (filled bars). Results are means (± SE) of 6 independent experiments. Open bars with different letter superscripts are significantly different from other open bars (P < 0.05 by one-way ANOVA), suggesting that increasing radiation dose reduce uptake rate. With the exception of fructose, filled bars did not decrease with increasing radiation dose, suggesting that consumption of the vitamin ACE-supplemented diet prevented the radiation-induced reduction in uptake. Filled bars with asterisks are significantly greater (P < 0.05 by one-way ANOVA) than open bars at the same radiation dose, suggesting that uptake is greater in tissues from vitamin-treated mice. Similar results are obtained when uptakes are expressed per mg of intestine.