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. 2010 Dec 8;7(1):2–6. doi: 10.1200/JOP.2010.000064

Table 3.

Selected Recommendations to Address High-Risk Failure Modes Affecting Five Oral Chemotherapies

Recommendation Source
    Create checklists to guide and remind clinicians about key elements required for patient education Capecitabine/imatinib/temozolomide
    Provide patients and families members with educational material about research protocol and call-in number for questions Investigational agent
    Provide patients and families with abbreviated protocol guide or roadmap Investigational agent
    Require study nurse to call patients and families shortly after starting protocol to review protocol and consent and ensure understanding Investigational agent
    Dedicate follow-up appointment specifically to medication education 6-mercaptopurine
    Implement barcode scanning for dispensed medications Capecitabine/imatinib/temozolomide
    Provide patients with images of pills Capecitabine/imatinib/temozolomide/investigational agent
    Standardize clinician documentation of dose modifications to facilitate pharmacy verification Capecitabine/imatinib/temozolomide/investigational agent
    Standardize data entry in ambulatory pharmacy to avoid data entry errors 6-mercaptopurine
    Minimize number of dose forms and concentrations available in pharmacy 6-mercaptopurine
    Institute triple-check system for dispensing oral chemotherapies Investigational agent/6-mercaptopurine
Administration, monitoring, and follow-up
    Provide patients with dosing calendars similar to those provided in clinical trials Capecitabine/imatinib/temozolomide/6-mercaptopurine
    Encourage use of automated reminder systems and prefilled pill boxes Capecitabine/imatinib/temozolomide
    Offer online educational and management tools for addressing adverse effects Capecitabine/imatinib/temozolomide
    Support safe home administration by reaching out to patients and families through nurse practitioner follow-up calls Temozolomide
    Encourage patients to bring in medication bottles to monitor adherence 6-mercaptopurine
    Identify specific clinic staff responsible for patient and family education about medications 6-mercaptopurine
    Provide oral chemotherapy travel kits to children whose parents are separated 6-mercaptopurine