Table 1.
Definitions of variables and functions.
fa(μa, ma, za) | Energy budget constraint at age a excluding transfers |
fa,μ; fa,m; fa,z | Partial derivatives of fa with respect to μa, ma, za |
μ a | Instantaneous death rate, d ln (la) /da |
ma | Birth rate |
za | Rate of change of body size, ẉa |
la | |
ζa (wa) | Energy flow generated as a function of body size |
ζ a,w | Partial derivatives of ζa with respect to wa |
wa | Body size |
ρ | Steady state population growth rate or intrinsic rate of natural increase |
ϕ a | Costate variable associated with la |
ψ a | Costate variable associated with wa |
λ a | Rate of instantaneous time preference at age a |
ga(Ra) | Amount of usable energy derived from receipt of a transfer Ra |
Ra | Transfer made or received |
K | If K > 0 then transfers raise fitness (for specific pair of ages) |