Fig. 1.
Epidermal deletion of Adam10 (A10). (A) PCR analysis on genomic DNA showing the different genotypes of the mice. (B) PCR analysis on genomic DNA from split epidermis showing the efficiency of deletion of the floxed region in the presence of the keratin 14-driven Cre recombinase. (C) RT-PCR analysis on mRNA from split epidermis showing the loss of targeted Adam10 transcripts. (D) Western blot analysis on epidermal lysates using antibodies against the C-terminal domain of Adam10. pAdam10, precursor of Adam10; mAdam10, mature form of Adam10. (E) Macroscopic appearance of control mice (I, III) and mice with an epidermal deletion of Adam10 (II, IV). (F) Weight analysis of newborn mice (<24 hours). The average weight of control mice (Ctr) among the litter was set as 100%. n=84 for control mice, n=34 for A10–/– mice. ***P<0.0005. Results are mean±s.e.m.