Figure 1. Genome-wide association results for the BMI meta-analysis.
(a) Manhattan plot showing the significance of association between all SNPs and BMI in the stage 1 meta-analysis, highlighting SNPs previously reported to show genome-wide significant association with BMI (blue), weight or waist circumference (green), and the 18 new regions described here (red). The 19 SNPs that reached genome-wide significance at Stage 1 (13 previously reported and 6 new) are listed in Table 1). (b) Quantile-quantile (Q-Q) plot of SNPs in stage 1 meta-analysis (black) and after removing any SNPs within 1 Mb of the 10 previously reported genome-wide significant hits for BMI (blue), after additionally excluding SNPs from the four loci for waist/weight (green) and after excluding SNPs from all 32 confirmed loci (red). The plot was abridged at the Y-axis (at P < 10−20) to better visualise the excess of small P-values after excluding the 32 confirmed loci (Supplementary Fig. 3 shows full-scale Q-Q plot). The shaded region is the 95% concentration band. (c) Plot of effect size (in inverse normally transformed units (invBMI)) versus effect allele frequency of newly identified and previously identified BMI variants after stage 1 + stage 2 analysis; including the 10 previously identified BMI loci (blue), the four previously identified waist and weight loci (green) and the 18 newly identified BMI loci (blue). The dotted lines represent the minimum effect sizes that could be identified for a given effect-allele frequency with 80% (upper line), 50% (middle line), and 10% (lower line) power, assuming a sample size of 123,000 individuals and a α-level of 5×10−8.