Figure 2. Self-administration prior to cue reactivity and cue-induced reinstatement testing.
Illustrated is METH self-administered 0.1mg/kg/0.1ml in a fixed ratio (FR) 5 schedule of reinforcement on days 8–14. Four rats demonstrating >15% infusion variability between days 13 and 14 were excluded from the study. A. Cue reactivity. Seventeen rats assigned to CR testing demonstrated stable self-administration behavior and had no significant differences across the last 4 days of self-administration for active lever presses (F(3,16)=0.23), inactive lever presses (F(3,14)=0.53; 2 statistical outliers excluded), or infusions (F(3,16)=0.61) as measured by one-way rmANOVA. B. Cue-induced reinstatement. Thirty-seven rats assigned to cue-induced reinstatement testing had no significant differences across the last 4 days of self-administration for active lever presses (F(3,41)=0.48; 1 statistical outlier excluded), inactive lever presses (F(3,39)=2.02; 3 statistical outliers excluded), or infusions (F(3,41)=0.17; 1 statistical outlier excluded) as measured by one-way rmANOVA.