Complementation Analysis of var2 with Wild-type and Mutated FtsH2.
(A) Photographs of 3-week-old Col, var2-1, var2(WT), var2(267), var2(488), and var2(267 488). Bars = 6 mm.
(B) Photographs of 8-d-old Col, var2-1, var2(WT), var2(267), var2(488), and var2(267 488). Cotyledons are normal in all lines. The first pair of true leaves displayed variegation in var2-1, var2(267), and var2(267 488) but not in Col, var2(WT), and var2(488). Bars = 3 mm.
(C) Evaluation of leaf variegation by chlorophyll content and digital imaging. Chlorophyll concentrations (Chl Conc.) of 3-week-old seedlings are shown based on fresh weight (F.W.). The degree of leaf variegation was estimated from images of the leaves as described in Methods. Data were generated from three biological replicates (bars represent sd).
(D) Immunoblot analysis of FtsH2. Total proteins from 3-week-old seedlings were probed with anti-FtsH2 (normalized by fresh weight). A CBB-stained gel of the samples is shown on the bottom. Relative levels of FtsH2 (normalized by LHCII, and Col was adjusted as 1) are shown on the top (bars represent sd; data were obtained from five biological replicates).