Temporal changes in carbon to nutrient ratios in three litter types: Galenia africana (G, filled dots), renosterbos Elythropappus rhinocerotis (R, filled triangles) and Watsonia
borbonica (W, open squares). See Online Resource, Appendix 3 for results from statistical analyes. Standard error bars when not visible are smaller than the dots. a C/N-ratio in litter types G, R and W decreased with time. b C/P-ratio in litter types G, R and W decreased with time. c C/K-ratio in G and R increased with time, while it decresed in W. d C/Ca-ratio in all litter types decreased with time. e C/Mg-ratio in R and W decreased with time, but did not change in G. f C/Na-ratio in G and R increased with time while W decreased