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. 2010 Sep 9;165(1):225–235. doi: 10.1007/s00442-010-1753-7

Table 3.

Decomposition rates (k) and half-life of litter of South African fynbos and renosterveld species

Species Vegetation type k value (day−1) Half-life (days) Source
Galenia africana Renosterveld 0.00674 101 1
Elythropappus rhinocerotis Renosterveld 0.00222 308 1
Watsonia borbonica Fynbos/renosterveld 0.00029 2,032 1
Leucospermum parile Lowland fynbos 0.00080 887 2
Leucospermum parile Lowland fynbos 0.00065 1,062 3
Pterocelastrus tricuspidatus Strandveld 0.00051 1,366 3
Protea repens Lowland fynbos 0.00013 5,161 4
Protea repens Mountain fynbos 0.00018 3,778 4

Data from this study (1) and the literature (2–4)

1 this study; 2 Mitchell et al. (1986). Calculated from data on ash-free dry mass loss; 3 Witkowski (1991). Calculated from turnover time; 4 Mitchell and Coley (1987). Calculated from dry mass half-life