Fig. 5.
Germination phenotypes at 30°C of BC3S2 NIL seed lots homozygous at LsNCED4 for either Salinas (A/A a, c, e) or UC96US23 alleles (B/B b, d, f) derived from NIL 2 (a, b), NIL 27 (c, d) and NIL 86 (e, f). The sub-NILs are ordered according to increasing germination percentages. The mean germination percentages averaged across sub-NILs were a, 5.1% (n = 17), b 60.7% (n = 26), c 2.7% (n = 28), d 58.3% (n = 46), e 5.4% (n = 25), and f 65.5% (n = 53). Error bars indicate ±SD