Binding of [35S]GTPγS to ARFs 1, 5, and 6.
(A) Samples (25 pmol) of ARF1 (●),
ARF5 (▴), or ARF6 (■) were incubated for 20 min
at 30°C with 4 μM [35S]GTPγS and the indicated
amount of ARF-GEP100. (B) Samples (25 pmol)
of ARF1, ARF5, or ARF6 were incubated with 4 μM
[35S]GTPγS for indicated time at 30°C without
(○), or with 2.5 pmol of ARF-GEP100
(■) or cytohesin-1 Sec7 (▴). Data are means
± SEM of values from triplicate assays. Findings were replicated at
least three times with different protein preparations.