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. 2007 Jul-Sep;11(3):273–302.

Module 4: Transverse Tube

Proficiency = 116.6667 − 1.2821 Total time

Variables Measured and Criterion Percentile Values
Variable 10 25 50 75 90
Total time 29.6 28 22 18 17
Tip-trajectory 93.841 78.917 75.802 62.419 60.805
Dropped tube 1 0.4 0.2 0 0
Wrong segment 0.56 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.0
Proficiency score 78.718 80.769 88.462 93.59 94.872

Means ± Standard Deviations for Each Variable
Variable −1.5 −1 0 +1 +1.5

Total time 14.22 17.198 23.154 29.11 32.088
Tip-trajectory 54.989 61.679 75.059 88.438 95.128
Dropped tube −0.245 −0.035 0.385 0.805 1.015
Wrong segment −0.011 0.085 0.277 0.469 0.565
Proficiency score 75.528 79.346 86.982 94.618 98.436