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. 2007 Jul-Sep;11(3):273–302.

Module 2: Instrument Navigation

Proficiency = 136.4479 − 36.7202 Left instrument path length −21.4565 Right instrument path length −0.012 Right instrument angular path − 0.6106 Right instrument time − 0.2756 Tissue damage − 0.1563 Maximum damage

Variables Measured and Criterion Percentile Values
Variable 10 25 50 75 90
Left instrument path length 0.06 0.65 0.72 0.77 0.81
Left instrument angle path 168.37 180.38 204.47 228.95 245.88
Left instrument time 9.20 10.13 11.11 12.76 14.86
Right instrument path length 0.58 0.62 0.70 0.74 0.81
Right instrument angle path 131.35 142.44 155.53 180.19 194.22
Right instrument time 9.74 11.39 14.11 15.53 17.32
Tissue damage 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 4.00
Maximum damage 0.00 0.00 0.75 1.37 5.33
Proficiency score 77.49 78.89 84.37 88.50 93.37

Means ± Standard Deviations for Each Variable
Variable −1.5 −1 0 +1 +1.5

Left instrument path length 0.545 0.6 0.709 0.819 0.874
Left instrument angle path 132.508 151.354 189.045 226.736 245.582
Left instrument time 7.639 8.783 11.071 13.36 14.504
Right instrument path length 0.491 0.551 0.669 0.787 0.846
Right instrument angle path 102.534 120.756 157.202 193.648 211.87
Right instrument time 8.284 9.736 12.64 15.545 16.997
Tissue damage −0.716 0.038 1.545 3.053 3.807
Maximum damage −1.015 −0.182 1.484 3.15 3.983
Proficiency score 75.113 78.898 86.466 94.035 97.819