Delineating the active elements within the HS III K14 enhancer element.
320TKLuc was constructed to contain sequences −1,752 to −1,557 and
−1,450 to −1,325 from the K14 upstream region. These sequences were
introduced into the pLTK vector (10). Transfections were conducted with
mouse keratinocytes (mK). Cell extracts were assayed subsequently for
luciferase and β-gal values as described in Materials and
Methods. Mutant plasmids contained the mutations as described
in Fig. 4. After harvesting the cells, luciferase activities were
determined and normalized against the β-gal values. Each experiment
was repeated at least three times. Results shown are the averages of
three experiments with standard deviations. The activity of the
320TKLuc was set at 100%.