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. 2010 Nov 25;47(1):11–27. doi: 10.1007/s00267-010-9583-2

Table 4.

Rotated factor matrix in the factor analysis conducted

1—nature conservation hinders development 2—it is worth extending the protected areas
The national parks makes life difficult for people here .773
Organisations protecting nature disadvantage residents .723
Without the national park the town/village would develop faster .691
It is worth extending the sites of protected nature in this area .716
It is important that the municipality has been included in the European network .693
People move here so as to live closer to protected nature .653
It is also important to protect nature outside of the national parks .611

Component values lower than 5 have not been shown for clarity of interpretation. Extraction method—Principal Components. Rotation method—Varimax with Kaiser normalisation. Rotation converged in 3 iterations. For clarity only factor load values greater than 4 have been shown