Fig. 3.
Molecular heterogeneity of HCRPs. A: Isolation of a HCRP cDNA. The nucleotide sequence of clone 9.1, isolated from a Helix ganglia expression library with the mouse F3/contactin antiserum, is shown. B: Identification of the HCRP mRNA. Total and poly(A)+ RNAs from Helix ganglia were probed by Northern blot with a 32P-labelled 9.1 cDNA probe. A main 6.3-kb chain was detected in both cases. C: N-deglycosylation of HCRPs. Detergent extracts from Helix pomatia ganglia in RIPA buffer were treated with N-glycosidase F and probed with the 24III antiserum. In digested samples (+), the 240-kD band disappeared, and the 200-kD chain become thinner. Minor differences were found for the 90-kD isoform, which appeared as a doublet of closely spaced bands.