Table 2. Responses of 10,780 persons to survey items, FoodNet population survey, 1998–1999a.
Survey item | Yes/agree | No/disagree | Unsure | % Yes |
1. In the past 4 weeks, have you (has he/she) taken any antibiotic medicine? | 1,255 | 9,485 | N/A | 12.0 |
2. When I have a cold, I should take antibiotics to prevent getting a more serious illness. | 2,544 | 7,638 | 538 | 27.4 |
3. When I get a cold, antibiotics help me to get better more quickly. | 3,053 | 6,758 | 896 | 32.2 |
4. By the time I am sick enough to talk to or visit a doctor because of a cold, I usually expect a prescription for antibiotics. | 4,812 | 4,954 | 911 | 47.6 |
5. Are you aware of any health dangers to yourself or other people associated with taking antibiotics? | 4,860 | 5,749 | 164 | 41.9 |
aValues are numbers of persons who answered the questions or statements. Percentages are based on weighted population data.