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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2012 Jan 1.
Published in final edited form as: J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2011 Jan 1;56(1):e9–32. doi: 10.1097/qai.0b013e3181fdb629

Table 1.

Population characteristics in the Provider-Initiated Testing and Counseling (PITC) and standard non-PITC groups in rural southern Zambia, 2008

Total p-valuec
n (%), unless otherwise indicated (n=540) (n=681) (n=1221)
Female Sex 323 (60%) 552 (81%) 875 (72%) <0.01
Age in years (IQR) 28 (22, 38)a 30 (23, 38) 30 (22, 38) 0.27
Clinic Site <0.01
 Kanchindu 258 (48%) 166 (24%) 424 (35%)
 Mboole 65 (12%) 91 (13%) 156 (13%)
 Simpweze 116 (22%) 304 (45%) 420 (34%)
 Zyangale 101 (19%) 120 (18%) 221 (18%)
Education: None or some primaryb 52 (37%) 71 (44%) 123 (41%) 0.23
Marital Status 0.43
 Single 20 (16%) 18 (12%) 38 (14%)
 Unmarried, in a relationship 17 (13%) 26 (18%) 43 (16%)
 Married 84 (66%) 99 (67%) 183 (67%)
 Widowed 7 (5.5%) 4 (3%) 11 (4%)
Number of wives 1 (1, 2) 1 (1, 1.8) 1 (1, 2) 0.81
Number of sexual partners 1 (0, 2) 1 (1, 2) 1 (0, 2) 0.72
Travel time to nearest clinic (min) 60 (30, 120) 60 (43.8, 120) 60 (30, 120) 0.40
Clinic visits in last 12 months, Noned 35 (25%) 34 (23%) 69 (24%) 0.82
Never previously tested for HIVe 62 (44%) 79 (49%) 141 (47%) 0.44
Time since last HIV test 0.29
 < 12 months ago 16 (30%) 27 (43%) 43 (37%)
 12-24 months ago 23 (43%) 24 (38%) 47 (40%)
 > 24 months ago 15 (28%) 12 (19%) 27 (23%)
Little or no knowledge of HIV and testingf 55 (39%) 54 (33%) 109 (36%) 0.33
No Stigma towards PLWHAg 63 (44%) 72 (44%) 135 (44%) 0.99
Personally Favorable toward PITCh 100 (98%) 108 (95%) 208 (96%) 0.36
Partner seen as favorable toward PITCh 98 (90%) 106 (82%) 204 (86%) 0.13

Continuous variables are reported as medians (interquartile range).


Percentages are computed using the number of survey respondents with a non-missing value.


To compare the distribution of study characteristics by testing group, we employ chi-square tests. Similarly, we use a two-sample rank sum test for continuous variables by testing group.


p-value for No clinic visits vs. One or more clinic visits in past 12 months.


p-value for Never tested vs. previously tested for HIV.


p-value for No vs. Partial or full knowledge of HIV.


PLWHA means persons living with HIV or AIDS. p-value for No stigma vs. Partial or high stigma.


PITC means provider-initiated testing and counseling. p-value for Very or somewhat in favor of PITC vs. Very or somewhat opposed.