Phylogeny of coelurosaurian theropods used in correlation and correspondence analyses showing: (A) Distribution of EEH and EEC (Left; for explanation, see Table S1); (B) Ancestral state reconstruction optimizations using maximum parsimony (ASR-MP) of the 11 CHTs detected as evolving in a statistically significant order in the clades Ornithomimosauria and Oviraptorosauria (Left); and (C and D) Quantitative dietary interpretations at the species level based on the total number of actual CHTs (C Right) and interpretations estimated using ASR-MP (D Right), respectively (Table S3). Black bars on phylogeny at right represent taxa with intermediate numbers of CHTs for which diet is ambiguous. Only ancestral (not autapomorphic) optimizations were used for rank correspondence analysis although both are shown here. For alternate tree topologies used in analyses, see Fig. S1. Species collapsed into higher-level OTUs for Dromaeosauridae, Compsognathidae, and Tyrannosauroidea. Black/red stripe indicates that some species in higher-level OTUs possess evidence of diet. Actual CHT number ≤1 for all dromaeosaurs except Microraptor. Reconstructed CHT number ≤3 for all dromaeosaurs except Rahonavis, Buitreraptor, and Unenlagia. For specific data on CHT number per species, see Table S3. See SI Appendix, Section A3 for genus abbreviations.