Fig. 1.
Defective chorio-allantoic fusion of Abi1 mutant embryos on the C57Bl6 background. (A) WT embryo at E8.5, dissected free from the uterus and attached to a portion of the maternal placenta (P), shows the allantois (arrow) attached to the chorion, which fuses at this stage. (B) Abi1 homozygous mutant embryo at E8.5 is shown at identical magnification to WT embryo in A. The distal tip of the allantois (arrow) floats freely, unattached to the chorion. (C and D) H&E sections of WT (C) and Abi1-null embryos (D) illustrate the lack of attachment of the allantois to the chorion in Abi1 mutants, although the allantois length is sufficient to allow contact. α4 integrin (E and F, arrows) and VCAM (G, arrowheads) are expressed appropriately in the chorion and allantois, respectively, of Abi1 mutant embryos. HF, headfold; H, heart; Ch, chorion. (Scale bars: 100 μm.)