The expression of RI pathway chaperones and H3.3 is maintained throughout skeletal myogenesis. (A) The mRNA levels of histone chaperone (black) and various histone (blue) genes during skeletal myogenesis were analyzed by microarray. Genes whose fold difference (Log2) is less than 0.5 are underlined. (B and C) RNA extracted from C2C12 cells grown to each differentiation day (d1 ∼ d3) was reverse transcribed with oligo dT (B) or random hexamers (C) to synthesize cDNA. The mRNA level of each gene was analyzed by RT-PCR. Two independent primer pairs used to detect canonical H3 (H3.1/H3.2 #1 and #2) recognize most of the H3.1 and H3.2 genes in the mouse genome, whereas each H3.3 primer pair is specific to H3.3a (H3f3a) and H3.3b (H3f3b), respectively. β2m (beta2-microglobulin) was used as a control. MHC (myosin heavy chain), MyoD, MCK (muscle creatine kinase), myogenin, and p21 are myogenesis markers. Mb, myoblasts; Mt, myotubes.