Table 2.
Mediator queries in FBIRN.
Information need | Mediator query | Variants | Correct answers (Size) | (Avg) response time (s) |
Find all female subjects between the ages of 40 and 50. | Q(source, subjectid):- g_hasAge(source, subjectid, A) ^ g_hasGender(source, subjectid, G) and (40 < A < 50) ^ (G = “F”) | Vary age parameters, and constraints. on other aspects such as handedness, race etc | Yes (20–100 tuples) |
2.3 |
Find all subjects with indications of Alzheimer's | Q(source, subjectid, CDR, MMSE):- g_Assessment(source, subjectid, “CDR,” C) ^ g_Assessment(source, subjectid, “MMSE,” M) ^ C > 3 and M > 10 | Vary (subject) conditions being searched for. | Yes (2–35 tuples) |
1.9 |
Find all fMRI scans taken with a 3T scanner | Q(source, subjectid, scan):- g_ExperimentAcquisition() ^ (ST = fMRI) ? (scanner = 3T) | Vary types of scans and/or scanners | Yes (30–35 tuples) |
12.1 |