Figure 2.
Evaluation of 832 age at onset–related probe sets in additional subtypes of juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). Eight hundred thirty-two probe sets reflecting differentially expressed genes between samples from patients with early-onset persistent oligoarticular disease and from patients with late-onset persistent oligoarticular disease were used to cluster samples from patients with rheumatoid factor–negative polyarticular JIA (A) or from patients with systemic JIA (B). Vertical bars indicate clusters of probe sets with similar expression patterns related to cells of the myeloid lineage (a), immunoglobulins (b1), or B cells (b2). In the clustering diagram, red indicates increased expression relative to the median of all samples, blue indicates decreased expression relative to the median of all samples, and yellow indicates the median of all samples. Bottom, Bars indicate samples from patients with early-onset disease (younger patients) (red) or samples from patients with late-onset disease (older patients) (yellow).