Figure 6.—
Association between predicted bendability of piggyBac-neighboring DNA and element activity. The association between the activity of piggyBac elements and the bendability (predicted) of all lengths of piggyBac-neighboring DNA up to 200 bp from the terminal inverted repeats was calculated using linear regression analysis. The coefficient of determination, r2, was calculated and plotted against the length of DNA used in the analysis (red line). A set of 25 random sequences was generated as described in materials and methods, and the association between piggyBac activity and predicted bendability of the randomized flanking DNA was determined for each of the data sets. The mean coefficient of determination (r2) was plotted (dashed line; n = 25) along with the 95% critical value (gray shaded area). The strength of the association depended upon how much neighboring DNA was considered in the analysis. Where r2 is maximal, the bendability and activity data are shown with the results of the linear regression analysis (inset graphs). The location of the flanking DNA relative to the piggyBac element (blue double arrow) is indicated by “5′” and “3′.”