Figure 1. NSPCs support ECs morphogenesis and survival in serum-free conditions.
Micrographs show ECs and NSPC/EC co-cultures plated on Matrigel matrix. GFP- positive NSPCs are shown using the green channel. A) Confocal DIC images, Bar=50 μm. B) Confocal images demonstrating immunofluorescence for the endothelial cell marker CD31/PECAM-1 (red), Bar=20 μm. ECs were plated either in the presence of serum (A and B, left panels) or absence of serum (A and B, middle panels), or in the presence of NSPCs in serum-free, growth factor-free cell medium (A and B, right panels). C) Quantification of endothelial cell morphogenesis, n=3 coverslips per group.