Figure 7.
Persistent activated morphology of microglia from CX3CR1-/- mice following peripheral LPS injection. CX3CR1+/- (Control) or CX3CR1-/- (KO) mice were injected i.p. with saline or LPS (0.5 mg/kg) and A) fluorojade-C staining was determined 72 h later. i) positive control, ii-v) representative pictures of Fluorojade-C staining in the hippocampus for each group. (B-D) Representative imagines of Iba-1 staining in the B) prefrontal cortex (PFC) C) basolateral amygdala (BLA), and D) CA1 region of hippocampus (HP). The black boxes over the brain slice images to the left indicates the region in which images were collected. To evaluate the entire hippocampus (HP), images were collected from the dentate gyrus, CA1 and CA3 regions (see methods). Proportional area of Iba-1 staining in the E) prefrontal cortex (n = 4), F) basolateral amygdala (n = 3), and G) hippocampus (n = 3). Bars represent the mean ± SEM. Means with * are significantly different (P < 0.05) from all other treatments.