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. 2011 Jan 10;6(1):e16152. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0016152

Figure 4. Ad5mir122 has potent anti-cancer efficacy in HepG2 tumour bearing mice.

Figure 4

Repeat administration of Ad5mir122 (n = 10 mice) at the treatment dose determined from figure 2 (2×1010vp) on days 0, 3, 19 and 22 by intravenous injection. Control animals received repeat administration of 2×109 vp Ad5WT or PBS by intravenous injection (n = 10 mice). A) Tumour volume of mice receiving PBS or Ad5mir122 or Ad5WT was calculated as the volume of an ellipsoid [24]. Statistical analysis was performed using one way ANOVA with a Bonferroni post test (ns  =  not significant, *  = P<0.05, **  = P<0.01) at each time point. Error bars are shown as standard error. B) Kaplan Meier survival analysis shows increased survival of mice receiving Ad5mir122 and Ad5WT compared to control mice receiving PBS. After 4 days in treatment with Ad5WT one mouse was put down due to toxicity. No treatment related toxicities were observed during Ad5mir122 treatment or treatment with PBS. Days shown on both of the horizontal axis represent the number days since the first virus injection.