Figure 6.
U18666A suppresses PDT-induced oxidation of C11-BODIPY. (A) 1c1c7 cultures were exposed to 4 µM C11-BODIPY (C11) for 1 h prior to replacing medium and examination by fluorescence microscopy for the distribution of reduced (red) and oxidized (green) C11. (B) 1c1c7 cultures were treated with C11 as described above. LysoSensor Green (LSG, 2 µM) was added during the final 10 min of incubation. After changing the medium the cultures were imaged to capture red (C11) and green (LSG) fluorescence. C11 colocalization with LSG is indicated by the occurrence of punctate yellow/orange spots in the overlay. (C) Cultures were cotreated with 40 µM NPe6 and 4 µM C11 for 1 h prior to being washed, refed, and photoirradiated for 60s. After photoirradiation the cultures were immediately imaged for detection of C11 fluorescence. (D) Cultures were treated with 0.75 µM U18666A for ~20 h prior to the addition of C11, and subsequently analyzed as described above. (E) Cultures were treated as in panel C except that they were incubated with 0.75 µM U18666A for ~20 h prior to the additions of NPe6 and C11. A second experiment yielded similar results for all treatment groups. White bar in panel A represents 20 microns.