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. 2010 Aug 27;22(1):105–113. doi: 10.1007/s00192-010-1243-9

Table 2.

Cross-tabulation demographic percentage of data (n)

Complete OASIS group (1% (n)) Partial OASIS group (2% (n)) Elective C-s group (3% (n)) Vaginal delivery tear <2 degree group (4% (n)) P value
Are you pregnant now? 0.668
 Yes 19.7 (12) 18.2 (16) 13.7 (14) 14.3 (16)
 No 80.3 (49) 81.8 (72) 86.3 (88) 85.7 (96)
BMI 0.053
 <19 6.5 (4) 8.0 (7) 11.9 (12) 6.3 (7)
 19–25 72.6 (45) 65.5 (57) 63.4(64) 70.3 (78)
 >25–30 17.7 (11) 21.8 (19) 12.9 (13) 21.6 (24)
 >30 3.2 (2) 4.6 (4) 11.9 (12) 1.8 (2)
Self-assessed health 0.722
 Excellent 11.3 (7) 19.3 (17) 18.0 (18) 24.1 (27)
 Very good 54.8 (34) 46.6(41) 48.0 (48) 49.1 (55)
 Good 27.4 (17) 28.4 (25) 26.0 (26) 22.3 (25)
 Fair 6.5 (4) 3.4 (3) 7.0 (7) 3.6 (4)
 Poor 0.0 (0) 2.3 (2) 1.0 (1) 0.9 (1)
Is Swedish your native language? 0.0537
 Yes 87.1 (54) 78.4 (69) 84.3 (86) 82.3 (93)
 No 12.9(8) 21.6 (19) 15.7 (16) 17.7 (20)
Highest completed education 0.163
 Elementary school 3.2 (2) 6.8 (6) 4.0 (4) 1.8 (2)
 High school 21.0 (13) 31.8 (28) 32.7 (33) 38.9 (44)
 University 75.8 (47) 6.4 (54) 63.4 (64) 59.3 (67)

There were no differences between the groups concerning background data. Body mass index (BMI), obstetric anal sphincter ruptures (OASIS)