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. 2010 Jun 26;43(1):115–121. doi: 10.1007/s12031-010-9411-4

Table 1.

Effect of the melanin-concentrating hormone receptor 1 antagonists in animal models of anxiety-related behaviors

Animal models of anxiety-related behaviors
MCH1R antagonists rEPM rSI rUSV rVCT mEPM mSIH mL/D mNSF mMB gpSIV
SNAP-7941 Anxiolytica or no effectb Anxiolyticb Anxiolyticb Anxiolyticb Anxiolytica
SNAP-94847 Anxiolyticc Anxiolyticc,e Anxiolyticd Anxiolyticd
ATC0065 Anxiolyticf Anxiolyticf No effectf
ATC0175 Anxiolyticf Anxiolyticf Anxiolyticf No effectf
GW803430 (=GW3430) No effectb Anxiolyticb Anxiolyticb Anxiolyticg Anxiolyticg Anxiolyticb,h

rEPM rat elevated plus maze with swim stress, rSI rat social interaction, rUSV rat ultrasonic vocalization, rVCT rat vogel conflict test, mEPM mouse elevated plus maze, mSIH mouse stress-induced hyperthermia, mL/D mouse light–dark, mNSF mouse novelty-suppressed feeding, mMB mouse marble burying, gpSIV guinea pig pup separation-induced vocalization

aBorowsky et al. (2002)

b Millan et al. (2008)

c McBriar (2006)

dDavid et al. (2007)

eSmith et al. (2009)

fChaki et al. (2005)

gSmith et al. (2006)

hGehlert et al. (2009)