Figure 5.
The branchial arch arteries persist in embryos subjected to ablation of the presumptive cardiac neural crest at stage 7. (A) All 3 pairs of branchial arch arteries are equally patent at Day 4 in control embryos. (B) By Day 6 in control embryos, the left 4th artery is undergoing regression. By Day 6, the left 4th artery is undergoing regression. (C) In embryos ablated at stage 7, the arch arteries also remain patent by Day 4 (C) but remodel by Day 6 in ablated embryos (D, E). The left 3rd and 4th arteries undergo variable regression in some cases (exemplified in D). In other cases, the left 4th alone regresses or the 6th arteries may regress. (F) In an embryo subjected to cardiac neural crest ablation at stage 10, the arch arteries regress unpredictably, as seen here. The right 3rd, as well as the left 3rd and 4th (arrow), are regressed while the right 4th and 6th are enlarged.
Abbreviations: eso- esophagus; L3, L4, L6- left third, fourth and sixth arch arteries; R3, R4, R6- right third, fourth and sixth arch arteries.
Scale bar: 300mm.