Table 3.
Instruments | Description | Information Level | Age | Reference | |
Inventories on symptom levels | |||||
Anxiety | |||||
CASI | Child Anxiety Sensitivity Index | 18-items to evaluate separation anxiety, panic attacks and agoraphobic fears and children’s belief that anxiety symptoms have aversive consequences | Self-report | – | Silverman et al (1991) |
MASC | Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for Children | 39 items, 4 scales: physical symptoms, social anxiety, harm avoidance, separation/panic anxiety | Self-report, parent report | 8–16 | March, Parker Sullivan, Stallings & Comers (1997) |
RCMAS | Revised Children’s Manifest Anxiety Scale | 37 items, 3 factors: physiological manifestations of anxiety, worry and oversensitivity, fear/concentration | Self-report | 6–19 | Reynolds & Richmond (1978) |
FSS-C | Fear Survey Schedule for Children—Revised | 80 items describing fears, loading on 5 factors fear of failure and criticism, fear of the unknown, fear of injury and small animals, fear of danger and death, medical fears | – | 7–18 | Ollendick (1983) |
PARS | Pediatric Anxiety Rating Scale | Anxiety severity scale specifically addressing the separation anxiety, social phobia and GAD symptoms | Clinical rating | 6–17 | RUPP Anxiety Study Group (2002) |
CBCL, YSR, TRF | Child Behavior Checklist, Youth Self-Report, Teacher Report Form | Behavior inventory including a broad subscale of internalizing symptomatology, a specific depression/anxiety scale | – | 4–18; 11+ (YSR) | Achenbach (1991) |
HARS | Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale | Developed according to Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale for use in children | Clark & Donovan (1994) | ||
STAIC | State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children | 2 independent 20-item inventories to assess state and trait anxiety | – | 8–12 | Spielberger (1973) |
Social phobia | |||||
LSAS | Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale | Evaluation of severity of fear and avoidance symptoms for social and performance-related situations; 4 subscales and total fear and total avoidance scores | Self-report | – | Liebowitz (1987) |
BSPS | Brief Social Phobia Scale | Rating of fear, avoidance, severity, and somatic symptoms of social situations | Self-report | 18+, adolescents | Davidson et al (1991, 1997) |
SPAI-C | Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory for Children | 39 items to assess somatic, cognitive and behavioral responses to a variety of social and performance situations | Self-report | 8–18 | Turner et al (1989); Beidel et al (1995, 2000) |
SAS-C, SAS-A | Social Anxiety Scale for Children—Revised, Social Anxiety Scale for Adolescents | 22-item inventory with 3 factors: fear of negative evaluation, social avoidance and distress specific to new situations, generalized social avoidance and distress | Self-report, parent report | – | La Greca & Stone (1993) |
SIAS | Social Interaction Anxiety Scale | Assesses fear of interacting in dyads and groups and fear of scrutiny | Self-report | – | Mattick & Clarke (1998) |
Specific phobias | |||||
FSS-C | Fear Survey Schedule for Children—Revised | 80 items describing fears, loading on 5 factors fear of failure and criticism, fear of the unknown, fear of injury and small animals, fear of danger and death, medical fears | – | 7–18 | Ollendick (1983) |
Generalized anxiety | |||||
PSWQ-C | Penn State Worry Questionnaire— Children and Adolescents | Adaptation of the Penn state worry questionnaire for use with children and adolescents to assess intensity and inability to control pathological worrying with 16 items (PSWQ-C). The PSWQ-C demonstrated good convergent and discriminant validity, and excellent reliability | Self-report | 6–18 | Chorpita et al (1997) |
Categorical diagnostic inventories | |||||
SCARED | Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders | 41 item; assesses DSM symptoms of panic, separation anxiety, social phobia, GAD, and school phobia | Self-report, parent report | – | Birmaher et al (1997, 1999) |
ADIS-C/P | Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule for DSM-IV—Child and Parent Version | Semistructured, interviewer-observer format, diagnoses of lifetime and current anxiety, mood, externalizing disorders and screening for other disorders | Self-report, parent report | DiNardo, O’Brien, Barlow, Waddell & Blanchard (1983) | |
K-SADS | Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-age Children—Present and Lifetime Version (Kiddie-SADS) | Semistructured diagnostic interview to derive DSM diagnoses, including severity ratings | Self-report, parent report | 6–17 | Kaufman, Birmaher, Brent, Rao & Ryan (1997) |
NIMHDISC-IV | NIHM Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children Version IV | Highly structured interview, follows a symptom-orientated structure and covers most axis-I disorders | Self-report | 6–17 | Shaffer, Fisher, Lucas, Dulcan & Schwab-Stone (2000) |
DICA | Diagnostic Interview for Children and Adolescents | Structured syndrome-orientated interview, also parent version (DICA-P) available | Self-report, parent report | 6–17 | Herjanic & Reich (1982); Welneret et al (1987) |
CAEF | Children’s Anxiety Evaluation Form | Combination of semistructured interview+chart review+direct observation | – | – | Hoehn-Saric et al (1987) |
CAPA | Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Assessment | Assesses 30 different categorical disorders, family, peer, academic functioning, life events, service use | Self-report, parent report | 8+ | Angold & Costello (2000); Angold et al (1995) |
CIDI | Composite International Diagnostic Interview | Standardized assessment of symptoms, syndromes and diagnoses of 48 mental disorders according to DSM-IV and ICD-10 criteria along with information about onset, duration, and severity; respond lists to increase validity and to diminish recall bias | Self-report | 14–65 | Wittchen & Pfister (1997) |
CSA | Children’s Assessment Schedule | Semistructured psychiatric interview to determine specific diagnoses for clinical practice, or to derive a total score of problems or symptoms, separate scores for specific content areas or symptom complexes | Self-report | 6–17 | Hodges et al (1982) |
Note: References from this table are available from the corresponding author.