A, Electroantennograms (EAG) and electropalpograms (EPG) are electrophysiological recordings taken from the surface of the antenna and maxillary palps respectively. B, Mean EAG responses from Sco flies carrying the w and/or CyO chromosomes, (n=8), * significantly changed compared to +/+, # significantly changed compared to w; +/+ (P < 0.01) in a Bonferroni-corrected t test). C, Mean responses from EAGs of wild type (CS, n=15) and mutant (Sco/CyO, n=13) flies to a panel of indicated odorants (10−2 dilution). D, Mean responses from EPGs of the same (CS-5, n=6, Sco/CyO, n=6). Error bars = s.e.m.