Figure 5. LXA4 and RvE1 enhance the survival of renal allografts.
Allogeneic BALB/c kidneys were transplanted into B6 mice. The groups of mice received vehicle (Control, white squares), LPS (50 mg/kg) pretreatment (LPS, n=7, black squares), LXA4 stable analog on days −1, 0 and +4 (ATLa, red squares, dashed line) or RvE1 on days −1, 0 and +4 (RvE1, red circles) and allograft survival was determined (See Methods). Survival of allografts was prolonged when donors and recipients were treated with ATL (n=6) or RvE1 (n=6) before or at the early stage of transplantation compared with the untreated control group (n=10, p<0.01) and significant by Kaplan Meir multiple comparisons survival analysis (P<0.01).