Fig. 2.
SSDP1 protein expression corresponds to in situ hybridization patterns and SSDP1 is co-expressed with CLIM protein in neuronal cell types. A: Dorsal (left) and lateral (middle, right) views of the head labeled with SSDP1 antibodies at 24 hpf are shown. Strong immuno-reactivity is detectable in the telencephalon (tel), in the MHB and in the trigeminal ganglion (trig). The right panel is a selective z-stack of the epidermal region. Scale bar: 200 µm. B: Neuronal localization of SSDP1 and CLIM immunoreactivity (red) is revealed by co-labeling with an HNK-1 antibody (trigeminal and Rohon-Beard neurons in green) or by transgenic GFP expression in HB9:GFP transgenic embryos (motor neurons in green) at 24 hpf. The right outer column gives a higher magnification of double-labeled neurons. HNK-1 is strongly labeled on axonal membranes and Golgi-apparatus next to nuclear labeling of SSDP1 and CLIM in trigeminal and Rohon-Beard neuron. In GFP expressing motor neurons, nuclear labeling is found inside the somata. Some double-labeled neurons are indicated by arrows. Trigeminal (t-ax) and motor axons (m-ax) as well as the dorsal longitudinal fascicle (dlf) are indicated for orientation. Scale bar: 50 µm for low and 100 µm for high magnification.