Growth of different C. albicans sapΔ mutants on BSA as the sole nitrogen source. YPD overnight cultures of the strains were diluted 10−3 in YCB-BSA medium and grown for 4 days at 30°C. SC5314 (wild type), SAP2MS4A and SAP2MS4B (sap2-1Δ/sap2-2Δ), SAP456MS4A and SAP456MS4B (sap4Δ/sap4Δ sap5Δ/sap5Δ sap6Δ/sap6Δ), DSY459 (sap4Δ/sap4Δ sap5Δ/sap5Δ sap6Δ/sap6Δ), SAP2MS2A (sap2-1Δ/SAP2-2), and SAP2MS2B (SAP2-1/sap2-2Δ) are shown.