Figure 1. Nlrp3 and Asc in murine and human cells.
Figure 1 shows three panels depicting the Nlrp3, Asc or housekeeping GADPH genes. Each panel illustrates gene expression, detected by semiquantitative PCR in renal tubular epithelium of either Nlrp3−/− mice (Nlrp3−/− mRTE), wild type (WTmRTE) mice, lymph node cells from WT mice (WTLN), nontransfected HEK 293 cells (HEK), Thp1 cells (Thp1) or human renal tubular epithelial cells extracted from normal human kidneys (hRTE). The results are representative of 4 mice per group and 5 different human kidneys extracted for renal tubular cells with identical results.