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. 2010 Nov 19;38(1):41–61. doi: 10.1007/s10928-010-9175-z

Table 2.

Comparison of PK parameter estimates obtained from sequential and simultaneous PKPD modeling approaches with SAEM

Definition Parameter PK alone (PK estimation step of the two-stage approach) Simultaneous PKPD
Population estimate RSE (%) Population estimate RSE (%)
Total clearance CL (l day−1) 5500 6 5180 6
Central volume V2 (l) 274 12 349 10
Intercompartmental clearance Q (l day−1) 1140 8 1290 8
Peripheral volume V3 (l) 1040 9 1130 9
Absorption rate constant ka (day−1) 8.11 10 9.36 10
Food effect on ka Food on k a −0.755a 36 −0.141c 222
Relative bioavailability F1 1 FIX 1 FIX
Food effect on F1 Food on F1 −0.244b 45 −0.476d 14
Absorption lag time LagC (days) 0.0211 10 0.0178 13
IIV on CL ω[CL] (%) 46.6 9 46.9 9
IIV on V2 ω[V2] (%) 60.6 16 55.5 15
IIV on Q ω[Q] (%) 35.1 20 47.2 15
IIV on V3 ω[V3] (%) 40.0 22 51.4 15
IIV on ka ω[ka] (%) 64.1 11 69.9 11
IIV on LagC ω[LagC] (%) 39.0 26 60.2 20
Residual error Additive error (%) 45.4 2 44.6 2

a P value = 0.0049

b P value = 0.028

c P value = 0.65

d P value < 0.0001