Fig. 55.
A 43-year-old woman felt a lump, which corresponded to a dense, slightly indistinctly marginated mass on spot compression (A) XCCL and (B) MLO mammograms (arrows). Targeted (C) sagittal and (D) transverse ultrasonography (L17-5 MHz transducer) showed a complex cystic and solid mass. The mass was found to have internal vascularity on (E) sagittal and (F) transverse power Doppler ultrasonographic images. Repeat (G) radial and (H) transverse ultrasonography at the time of biopsy 2 weeks later (L12-5 MHz transducer) showed the mass to have thick walls. Ultrasound-guided 14-gauge core biopsy showed grade III IDC. (Courtesy of Wendie A. Berg, MD, PhD, Lutherville, MD.)