Ano1-eGFP and Ano1-mCherry co-immunoprecipitate. A, HEK293 cells were transfected with Lipofectamine alone, or with Ano1-mCherry and Ano1-eGFP, A2B-R-eGFP, and eGFP. Input represents 5% of total protein used in co-immunoprecipitation. B, Western blot indicating specificity of eGFP and mCherry antibodies. HEK293 cells were transfected with either Ano1-eGFP or Ano1-mCherry. The eGFP antibody only detected Ano1-eGFP (left), whereas mCherry antibody only detected Ano1-mCherry (right). The blot is representative of three separate experiments. IB, immunoblot.