Fig. 2. Interaction of Yif1p with the Golgi protein Yip1p and Ypt/Rab GTPases. (A) Two-hybrid interactions of Gal4(BD) fused to either full-length Yif1p(f) or Yif1p lacking the N-terminal 55 amino acids, Yif1p(–55), with full-length Yip1p or different GTPases fused to Gal4(AD). (B) Two-hybrid interactions of Yip1p fused to Gal4(BD) with full-length Yif1p (amino acid residues 1–314) and truncated forms of the protein fused to Gal4(AD). (C) Co-immunoprecipitation of Yif1p with anti-Yip1p antibodies and of Yip1p with anti-Yif1p antibodies. Proteins were identified by western blot analysis. Total protein of detergent-lysed cells (extract) served as control.