Percentage abundance of selected chironomid taxa in the SOS record, total accumulation rate of chironomid head capsules (Influx, HC cm−2 yr−1), sediment organic content expressed as percentage of organic carbon (Corg, % DW), total phosphorus concentration in sediments (Ptot, mg g−1 DW), the chironomid-inferred mean July air temperature (TJuly, °C; thick line represents unsmoothed data, and thin line – a LOESS smoother with a span of 0.05), statistically significant zones for chironomid assemblages (dotted lines), and mean summer (June–August) and winter (December–February) insolation at 47°N (Laskar et al., 2004). The asterisk indicates the age of the Neolithic Iceman “Ötzi” (5300–5050 cal yr BP) found in the Ötztaler Alps at 3210 m a.s.l., ca 25 km from SOS (Bonani et al., 1994).